ONELab User Interface

This section provides example usages of the ONELab UI

ONELab Logging in

When initially accessing ONELab IoT, the Explore Boards page is displayed. If not logged in, the user can only see the Explore Board page. Log in is managed by subscription (or company). Once logged in, a user has access to the organization Dashboard and Appliances pages through the hamburger button on the left. The user can also now schedule Conformance Runs and access the Appliances Dropdown

ONELab Accessing the Dashboard and Appliances Pages

When a user initially navigates to the ONELab website, they will land on the Explore page. From there the user may log in. Once logged in, a user has access to the Dashboard and Appliances pages for the organization of which they are a member. Access these by clicking on the hamburger button on the upper left portion of the screen.

The Dashboard provides a summary of Assessments, Appliances, and Release Streams

TODO: What’s an Assessment?

CHECK: Release stream versions, Total Versions - can’t see them.

The Appliances Page show all Appliances available within this organization along with there status (offline or online). The user can narrow down the Appliances displayed by selecting a specific platform from the Device Type Dropdown. Selecting the Kebab (three dots) Icon to the right of the Appliance allows the user to Configure an Appliance

ONELab Configuring an Appliance

An Appliance can be configured from the Kebab Icon on the Appliance Page

CHECK: What am I Configuring? I can change a device Type in re-configuring?

ONELab Scheduling a Conformance Run

Creation of a Release Stream

A conformance run requires that a Release Stream has been created. To do this, follow these steps.


Typically, when you schedule a conformance run, you will re-use an existing Release Stream. It is only necessary to add new Release Streams when a new family of firmware is tested for the first time.

Schedule Conformance Runs

To Schedule a conformance run, click the Conformance Run button from either the Dashboard or the Explore Board, upload your firmware image built in compliance with the ONELab Firmware Packaging & Upload section. Per that section, the Release Stream is entered when building the firmware image.

Managing ONELab CI Test Results

TODO: This section will describe how to delete results, download logs, and flip results from private to public